Indian School of Hospitality Presents


Beyond Blueprints:
ESG-Infused Strategies for Future
Ready Enterprises


Inspire - Motivate - Partner - Analyse - Cultivate - Transform

The Indian School of Hospitality (ISH) introduces the IMPACT Hospitality Conclave, a unique initiative that transcends traditional hospitality events. Rooted in academia and industry collaboration, IMPACT stands to foster meaningful connections and inspire innovative solutions for real-world challenges.

The IMPACT Initiative embodies our core principle: we are “for the industry, by the industry.” The initiative is a fusion between the real-world challenges of the hospitality industry and the academic exploration at our business school.

The goal? To spark creativity, boost enthusiasm, create lasting industry alliances, and turn thoughtful analysis into actions that make a real difference. For our students, this means an education that’s plugged into what’s happening in the hospitality sector. For professionals in the industry, this initiative offers a chance to collaborate with emerging talent and seasoned academics, to jointly shape the future of the field.

By aligning the day-to-day experiences of hospitality professionals with academic insights, IMPACT sets a new standard for how schools and industries can collaborate. Together, we aim to enrich our students’; learning journeys and make lasting, positive changes in the hospitality world.

What is ESG ?

ESG investing is a broad category of standards that socially conscious investors use to evaluate possible investments. Stakeholders attempt to assist businesses that prioritize sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical corporate behavior by taking into account environmental, social, and governance considerations.

Environmental aspect of ESG focuses on the initiatives taken by a corporation to safeguard and preserve the environment. This includes assessing company strategies and programs concerning resource conservation, pollution prevention, and climate change. Stakeholders assess a company's environmental practices, including energy-efficient technology adoption, carbon emission reduction, and ecological footprint reduction.

The ties and interactions a firm has with numerous stakeholders are crucial to the "social" component of ESG. Customers, vendors, staff members, and the communities in which the business operates are all included in this. Social criteria evaluate a company's approach to handling its social responsibility and impact. Investors look at things like humanitarian endeavors, labor practices, product safety, and workplace diversity and inclusion

Finally, the "governance" aspect of ESG concentrates on the organization and methods of a company's administration and leadership. This includes assessing the board of directors' performance, executive remuneration practices, financial reporting transparency, internal controls, and shareholder rights. A corporation is handled ethically and responsibly thanks to strong corporate governance practices, which also lowers the likelihood of fraud, corruption, and unethical behavior.

Our Eminent Speakers

Mr. Kunal Vasudeva

Co-founder & MD - ISH

Ms. Anuradha Agnihotri

Professor of Practice and Associate Director Marketing - ISH

Mr.Himank Tripathi

Chief Communications Officer and Spokesperson Baazi Games

Mr.Adip Puri

Country Lead, India APAC Med

Mr.Dilip Puri

Founder & Executive Chairman - ISH

Mr.Girish Sehgal

President - The Brij

Mr.Rahul Singh

COO - PVR Cinemas

Mr.Rajiv Tikoo

Consulting Editor (Sustainability) - Outlook Media Group

Mr.Sandeep Sethi

Division President - JLL

Focus Group Discussions

A Focus Group Discussion is an interactive and structured conversation among a small group of participants, led by a skilled moderator. The purpose is to gather diverse opinions, ideas, and feedback on specific topics. This will be the participants’ opportunity to engage with the “Grit & Grind” speakers in a more intimate setting.

Responsible Beverage Program - Beyond the Bar

Beverages are crucial in today's industry, taking the forefront in sustainability. Establishments must carefully curate their beverage menus to align with their concept, clientele, and sustainability goals. Crafting an effective and sustainable beverage strategy is a challenge many operators face. Join our Impact Hospitality Conclave for a master class on 'Responsible Beverage Program - Beyond the Bar.''

Discover the art of creating a thriving, eco-conscious beverage program, whether you're starting from scratch or revitalizing an existing one. Our workshop provides essential insights, key tactics, and guidance for shaping your beverage concept sustainably. Learn strategies that consider both sales and profitability while minimizing environmental impact. Master selection strategies for sustainable sourcing, control costs with an eco-conscious approach, reduce waste with preservation systems, and stay updated on sustainability trends. Join the discussion on wine, beer, and spirits to craft a unique beverage program that stands out and benefits the environment.

Luxury Meets Sustainability: Creating High-End Eco- Friendly Experiences

The confluence of luxury and sustainability describes a modern attitude in which extravagance harmonises with environmental responsibility. High-end experiences increasingly place an emphasis on eco-friendly concepts and are no longer limited to simply aesthetics. The marriage of luxury with sustainability transforms pleasure into a responsible option, whether it be through opulent eco- friendly resorts or couture firms adopting sustainable practises. Innovative materials, energy efficiency, and a dedication to ethical sourcing are all part of this transformation. Beyond a fad, it represents an intentional development towards a time when luxury and environmental responsibility are effortlessly combined, demonstrating that extravagance and ecological harmony can live.

The Art of Storytelling

Storytelling, an ancient art form, transcends time, connecting people through the evocative power of narrative. Beyond mere conveyance of facts, it intertwines emotions, experiences, and profound truths, creating a tapestry of human connection. Effective leaders wield storytelling to inspire teams, turning visions into compelling sagas. In education, narratives breathe life into abstract concepts, fostering understanding. Whether through ancient myths or modern digital media, storytelling adapts, remaining a timeless bridge across generations. It is the shared journey through the human experience, a universal language that persists in shaping perspectives and forging connections in an ever-evolving world.


The objective of a storytelling workshop is to empower participants with the skills to craft and deliver compelling narratives for various purposes, including personal growth, communication, creativity, and cultural preservation.

Beyond the Bar Challenge

Welcome to the Beyond the Bar Challenge, where innovation and eco-conscious indulgence unite! In this celebration of mixology with a green twist, participants craft exquisite non-alcoholic cocktail using locally sourced, minimal-footprint ingredients. Zero waste is a guiding principle, encouraging contestants to consider the lifecycle of every component. Join us in this spirited rendezvous of flavor, ethics, and imagination, where every sip tells a story of commitment to our planet. Cheers to a greener, vibrant future, one non-alcoholic cocktail at a time

Rules & Competition Format:

  • Each contestant will get 10 minutes to make their pre planned beverages and 3 minutes to present it to the judges.
  • All participants are required to submit a detailed recipe (including the quantities of each ingredient) for the elimination round by 20th October, 2023, to the email below.
  • Emphasis on locally sourced (easy to procure), eco-friendly ingredients and a description of waste reduction strategies.

Pecha Kucha

Pecha Kucha is a unique presentation format that originated in Japan. It's known for its concise and structured approach to presentations, where presenters use 20 slides, each displayed for 20 seconds, resulting in a total presentation time of 6 minute and 40 seconds. Inspired by that, we’ve come up with a unique story-telling competition.

Rules and Guidelines:

  • Teams must follow time limits for program development and presentations
  • Concepts must align with the luxury meets sustainability theme.
  • Judges' decisions are final.
  • Teams should bring laptops or presentation materials
  • Submissions need a concept proposal and visuals
  • Designate a team leader with contact details for communication to the provided email address [email protected]

Luxury Meets Sustainability Challenge

This competition explores the intersection of luxury and sustainability in hospitality. Participants address challenges and discover opportunities in merging opulence with eco- conscious practices. Energy-efficient and eco- friendly technologies in the luxury sector take center stage, sparking innovative ideas. This competition will test participants' abilities to create a well-rounded and innovative business plan based on their learnings from the workshop keeping ESG principles in consideration.

Rules & Competition Format:

  • Teams must follow time limits for program development and presentations
  • Concepts must align with the luxury meets sustainability theme.
  • Judges' decisions are final
  • Teams should bring laptops or presentation materials.
  • Submissions need a concept proposal and visuals.
  • Designate a team leader with contact details for communication to the provided email address [email protected]

Make it Fancy Challenge

This exciting event challenges participants to take an ordinary everyday object and transform it into a luxurious and environmentally friendly masterpiece. The goal is to showcase creativity, craftsmanship, and a commitment to sustainability, demonstrating how we can elevate the mundane into something extraordinary while minimizing our impact on the planet. Join us in reimagining the future of design, where elegance meets sustainability

Judging Criteria:

  • Sustainability
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Aesthetics and Presentation
  • Functionality
  • Teamwork

Rules & Competition Format:

  • Each team will be given an everyday object chosen at random..
  • Participants are allowed to bring their basic tools and materials (e.g., scissors, glue, paint, sewing kits, etc.). However, the emphasis should be on using sustainable materials, such as upcycled or repurposed items, wherever possible.
  • Teams should prioritize sustainability in their designs by minimizing waste and using eco-friendly materials.
